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Image by Sven Fischer


FHGR University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons


Tourism is vulnerable to change but also contributing to it. You will analyse the different drivers of change, evaluate the consequences of change and determine how to manage as well as design change in tourism. Gain knowledge, hone and apply your skills and become a change maker.


The Master Tourism and Change combines knowledge of business administration with an analytic and comprehensive perspective on the changes affecting and originating from tourism development. These perspectives on analysing, managing and creating change are discussed using examples from the various tourism sectors (hospitality, destination management, airline management, tour operating etc.) and allow for a strategic approach to the future development of tourism.

You will learn to identify, interpret and provide solutions for strategic challenges faced by tourism businesses and to make strategic judgements under uncertainty by relying on an in-depth understanding of change processes in tourism.

As a University of Applied Science, the relationship between studying, research and practice forms an important part of the programme. Gain valuable insights from practitioners in lectures, on international field trips, in the mentoring programme and during the consultancy project. Connect theory and practice in case studies and in real-life situations.


Change is ever-present and successful organisations need to adapt to external changes but may also create change. To provide you with a comprehensive perspective on change in tourism, the Major Tourism & Change is organised into three key practices: analysing, managing and designing change. This framework focuses on a critical analysis of change factors, an understanding of change processes and ways to create positive change.

The study programme combines knowledge in tourism, business administration and research methods. The research methods modules are offered in the first semester, as they form the basis for the following consultancy and research projects. The tourism and change modules are offered across the three semesters and thus create the necessary professional identification at an early stage.

The business administration basics (sustainability, digital transformation and leadership) form an important part of the interdisciplinary study in the first three semesters.
Finally, the master thesis provides you with the opportunity to create a distinctive profile and allows you to strategically position yourself for management level positions.


London Metropolitan University


Switzerland is the land of the Alps, Heidi and yodelling, right? If this is your perception, you’re in for a big surprise. Sure, St. Moritz might have been one of the world’s first destinations to develop tourism. But Switzerland is still playing a leading role in defining global tourism as it is today. The UAS Grisons is an innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institution with around 1,700 students and places great emphasis on individuality.



1.5 years


Chur, Switzerland




Analysing, Managing and Designing Change


Innovation and Social Marketing
Sustainable Tourism Mgm
Change, Culture & Strategy
Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience
Political, Economic &
Tech Change in Tourism
Societal and Environmental Change in Tourism
Tourism Futures

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